
Sunday, November 29, 2020

Event-driven actions on PAN-OS device

You know EEM from Cisco and you want something similar on PAN-OS.
It is possible (at least for simple actions).

I wrote a KB article about how to be alerted when there is a version mismatch between HA pairs. That show a way to : perform an action (send an alarm) based on an event (system logs about the version mismatch).

In this post, I will uncover a way to perform some actions directly on PAN-OS based an event.

Note : the event need to be logged on a forwardable logs (one of the logs accessible on the Monitor tab).
We cannot prepare event for systems logs on mp-logs for instance.

On PAN-OS, in the log settings, we can define as destination :
- Panorama/CDL
- SYSLOG servers
- EMAIL server
- SNMP Traps
- HTTP server
We cannot customize what is send to Panorama/CDL, but we can customize the SYSLOG/EMAIL/SNMP Traps/HTTP requests generated when a log generated (so by definition, when there is an event).

Let's focus on the HTTP request possibilities.
We can for instance send the log to a twitter account for instance or ... we can take advantage of the PAN-OS XML API interface.

So, events + HTTP server + XML API on the firewall = Event-driven actions

So how do we do that?

step 1 : find the log, you will use. The log need to be relevant and unique for the event (don't select a log which come every day, unless it is your wish)

step 2 : get the API key

step 3 : create the HTTP server profile.

In the picture above, I created the profile test. You notice the IP address is (the firewall itself) and the protocol used is HTTP and not HTTPS. As the request will not leave the firewall, it is not an issue. And finally, it is a GET request being sent.

step 4 : customize the payload format of the log type you are working on. 
The main things to note in the picture above are:
- the URI format : it is simply /api/ (this will be appended to the server defined in step 3)
- in Parameters : you will put the different parameters to send to the firewall, the key to use is the key you have generaed in step 2. In this picture, I use the type "op", so you will need to define the "cmd" parameter accordingly.
- the payload is empty, and it is not important for us as everything we need is in te GET request (the URL itself).

step 5 : bind the event with the HTTP profile
In this picture, you can see I am sending an email and I perform the action defined in step 4 when there is any log matching the filter (cmd eq commit), so when there is a commit on the firewall.

step 6 : commit and that's it.

update 01-Dec : in the server profile, the address need to be localhost and not

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